Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Open Beta Review


As the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 open beta comes to a close, I can only think about how well EA have transported players to a new Star Wars game that gamers have been waiting for.

After the somewhat negative reviews of the first Battlefront game, EA have developed there ideas and content into a massively upgraded game. The first Battlefront in the EA franchise was some what disappointing, The base game gave you around 5 maps to play on and after a week or so became repetitive and with no real set goal, Gamers got bored of the game real quick. The Downloadable content (DLC) of the game was good with adding maps like The Death star and Scariff however even with the new DLC of the game it still couldn’t grasp the concept of progression.

EA CFO Blake Jorgensen talked about the criticism over at the Nasdaq Investor Conference stating;

“So, an 8-year-old could play with his father on the couch, as well as a teenager or 20-year-old could play the game and enjoy it. It is more accessible. And for the hardcore, it may not have the depth that we wanted in the game.”

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 progressed I can only say is ground breaking adding classes such as the Assault , Heavy , Officer and specialist, Each of their own set of skills which requires the gamer to play to upgrade thus getting better gear in the future. The maps have been upgraded, Adding maps from The Prequel series and The New series (Force awakens , The last Jedi ect) Giving gamers a lot of verity. EA has also stated that all there DLC will be free which is a big step in the right direction as its getting back to the way games should be, You pay for it and you get the full game instead of just taster and everything else is extra content to pay for anyway enough about my rant.

In short the beta was just a taster of the game and to be honest I think it did a good job of showing off the important features in the game and I enjoy to see where EA takes battlefront 2 in the future and how long it will be re playable for.

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